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terms of Service

Effective Date: 12/25/2023


1. Introduction

Welcome to Codebridge Technology Inc. These Terms of Service ("Terms") govern your use of our website and diverse range of technology services, including web and mobile development, UI/UX design, product management, ERP/CRM software development, QA & testing, and additional services as specified on our website.


2. Acceptance of Terms

By using our Services, you agree to these Terms and our Privacy Policy.


3. Service Description

We provide a wide array of services encompassing various aspects of technology development and design. This includes, but is not limited to, web development, mobile app design, product management, graphic and editorial design, ERP/CRM software integration, QA & testing, and customer experience & tech support.


4. Measuring Development Outcomes

We employ KPIs like Velocity, Burndown, Code Coverage, CodeQuality & Security, Cycle Time, and Flow Efficiency to optimize development processes.


5. User Responsibilities

Users of our services must ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, maintain the confidentiality and security of their account information, and use our services responsibly. Prohibited activities include any form of illegal behavior, infringement on intellectual property, and activities that compromise the security or functionality of our services.


6. Privacy, Data Protection, and Encryption

  • Data Storage Security: Customer data is securely stored in Azure using PostgreSQL databases, backed up to a separate region within the same country, ensuring high durability and data safety.
  • Source Code Security: Source code is stored in git repositories hosted by Azure DevOps, with backup and data availability managed as per Azure DevOps SLA.
  • Encryption: Utilizing OpenSSL and Cert-manager, we employ AES-256 encryption across various systems, ensuring robust data protection.
  • Compliance with Standards: Our applications comply with SOC 2, HIPAA, GDPR, and OWASP standards, ensuring  enterprise-level security and privacy.


7. Intellectual Property Protection

We implement strict internal controls including security audits, NDAs, NCAs, and data processing agreements to safeguard client IP. Our infrastructure is secured behind VPNs and monitored for unauthorized access.


8. Talent Acquisition and Development

We have a rigorous talent acquisition process and continuous skill improvement programs for our employees, emphasizing the importance of a knowledgeable and skilled team.


9. Company Culture

Our culture is built on diversity, inclusion, product pride, community value, and a balanced work-play dynamic, fostering a strong organizational ethos.


10. Service Availability

We are committed to ensuring high service availability, with maintenance protocols and management strategies for any downtime.


11. Limitation of Liability

Codebridge Technology Inc. is not liable for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages related to the use of our services.


12. Modifications to Terms

We reserve the right to modify these Terms at any time, with changes communicated via our website.


13. Governing Law

These Terms are governed by the laws of the State of Delaware.


14. Contact Information

For inquiries, contact us at the need help bubble on the bottom of the website, at or +1 302 688 70 80

Let’s collaborate

Have a project in mind?
Tell us everything about your project or product, we’ll be glad to help.
+1 302 688 70 80
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Mit dem Absenden dieses Formulars stimmen Sie der Verarbeitung Ihrer über das obige Kontaktformular hochgeladenen personenbezogenen Daten gemäß den Bedingungen von Codebridge Technology, Inc. zu. s Datenschutzrichtlinie.


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Was kommt als Nächstes?

Unsere Experten analysieren Ihre Anforderungen und setzen sich innerhalb von 1-2 Werktagen mit Ihnen in Verbindung.
Unser Team sammelt alle Anforderungen für Ihr Projekt und bei Bedarf unterzeichnen wir eine Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarung, um ein Höchstmaß an Datenschutz zu gewährleisten.
Wir entwickeln einen umfassenden Vorschlag und einen Aktionsplan für Ihr Projekt mit Schätzungen, Zeitplänen, Lebensläufen usw.
Hoppla! Beim Absenden des Formulars ist etwas schief gelaufen.

terms of Service

Effective Date: 12/25/2023


1. Introduction

Welcome to Codebridge Technology Inc. These Terms of Service("Terms") govern your use of our website and diverse range oftechnology services, including web and mobile development, UI/UX design,product management, ERP/CRM software development, QA & testing, andadditional services as specified on our website.


2. Acceptance of Terms

By using our Services, you agree to these Terms and ourPrivacy Policy.


3. Service Description

We provide a wide array of services encompassing variousaspects of technology development and design. This includes, but is not limitedto, web development, mobile app design, product management, graphic andeditorial design, ERP/CRM software integration, QA & testing, and customerexperience & tech support.


4. Measuring Development Outcomes

We employ KPIs like Velocity, Burndown, Code Coverage, CodeQuality & Security, Cycle Time, and Flow Efficiency to optimize developmentprocesses.


5. User Responsibilities

Users of our services must ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, maintain the confidentiality and security of their account information, and use our services responsibly. Prohibited activities include any form of illegal behavior, infringement on intellectual property, and activities that compromise the security or functionality of our services.


6. Privacy, Data Protection, and Encryption

  • Data Storage Security: Customer data is securely stored in Azure using PostgreSQL databases, backed up to a separate region within the same country, ensuring high durability and data safety.
  • Source Code Security: Source code is stored in git repositories hosted by Azure DevOps, with backup and data availability managed as per Azure DevOps SLA.
  • Encryption: Utilizing OpenSSL and Cert-manager, we employ AES-256 encryption across various systems, ensuring robust data protection.
  • Compliance with Standards: Our applications comply with SOC 2, HIPAA, GDPR, and OWASP standards, ensuring  enterprise-level security and privacy.


7. Intellectual Property Protection

We implement strict internal controls including securityaudits, NDAs, NCAs, and data processing agreements to safeguard client IP. Ourinfrastructure is secured behind VPNs and monitored for unauthorized access.


8. Talent Acquisition and Development

We have a rigorous talent acquisition process and continuousskill improvement programs for our employees, emphasizing the importance of aknowledgeable and skilled team.


9. Company Culture

Our culture is built on diversity, inclusion, product pride,community value, and a balanced work-play dynamic, fostering a strongorganizational ethos.


10. Service Availability

We are committed to ensuring high service availability, withmaintenance protocols and management strategies for any downtime.


11. Limitation of Liability

Codebridge Technology Inc. is not liable for any indirect,incidental, or consequential damages related to the use of our services.


12. Modifications to Terms

We reserve the right to modify these Terms at any time, withchanges communicated via our website.


13. Governing Law

These Terms are governed by the laws of the State of Delaware.


14. Contact Information

For inquiries, contact us at the need help bubble on the bottom of thewebsite, at BUSINESS@CODEBRIDGE.TECH or +1 302 688 70 80

Let’s collaborate

Select professional design services for your software project
Tell us everything about your project or product, we’ll be glad to help.
+1 302 688 70 80
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